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Wendy's Story


When you look back at your life, can you identify those moments where you CHANGED your FOCUS??
For me, I was a college student, 21 years old, and married to a man who could eat ANYTHING. Seriously. The man had a metabolism that was outrageous. So... I ate what he ate. I made cheap college food - Ramen, macaroni and cheese, cream of everything soup. It was completely destructive, but I put blinders on. Even though my jeans size kept creeping up, and I was getting stretch marks on my stomach from my rapidly expanding waistline, I couldn't see in the mirror what it was doing to me... until I saw a picture of myself. It was May 9, 1992. I even remember the date. I made the decision THEN to start making changes. All I did was walk and eat more veggies, and deny myself the ice cream and chips that everyone else was eating, and I lost about 25 pounds in the course of one summer. I never was this heavy again! My weight went up and down like a yo-yo for the next 17 years... but then I figured out my WHY and I have kept the weight off for the last 6 years!
My life is so full - my faith is rock-solid; my children are following the path that God has laid out for them. I'm following my musical dreams with the help of friends who have become family. I'm inspiring others to better themselves. I truly feel as if I'm fulfilling the purpose God has set for my life!

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